Colorful Soul Nebula
In fact, this colorful soul Nebula(IC1848) only takes two monochromatic channels, Ha channel and Oxygen channel. This color photo is synthesized by HOO. The total exposure time of the photo is nearly 140 hours, of which Ha channel is exposed for about 30 hours and Oxygen channel is exposed for 110 hours due to its dim light. The soul is located in Cassiopeia, where the star was born. In the center of the picture, we can see the white and blue area, where the oxygen atoms are concentrated. The outer red represents the concentration of hydrogen atoms there. This photo was taken in December 2021 at my remote observatory in Jiuliancheng Town, Hebei Province, China. My equipment: SharpStar FRA 600/5.6 APO with 0.72 Reducer, ASI ZWO 6200 MM, Paramount MX mount and Astrodon LRGB and 3nm HSO filter.
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